Azure Azure Governance

Azure Tip: Quickly move an existing Azure subscription to a different management group using the Azure portal

In this blog post, you’ll discover the quick process of moving an existing Azure subscription to another management group through the use of the Azure portal.

Occasionally, you will probably need to move an Azure subscription to a different management group; for instance, when a specific subscription becomes unnecessary and needs to be moved to the decommissioned management group.

Of course, if you want to automate this procedure for multiple subscriptions, you will use Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI to do this. However, for a single subscription, the Azure Portal offers a fast and straightforward alternative.


  • An Azure subscription.
  • An Azure Administrator account with the necessary RBAC roles or permissions; ideally, this would be an account holding the Owner role for both the subscription and the original as well as the target management group.
  • An existing management group hierarchy.

Move an existing subscription to another management group via the Azure portal

Logon to the portal and type in “management” in the global search box in the top bar. Then select Management groups.

On the management groups page, select the management group where you’d like to move the subscription, and then click on “Add subscription” at the top of the page.

Choose the subscription from the list with the correct ID, and then click “Save.”

After the “Updating subscription” event successfully completes, simply click “Refresh” to reload the page. Once this is done, you should see the new subscription as part of the management group you had chosen.


These days, it is quite easy to quickly move a single subscription to another management group via the Azure Portal, as explained in this blog post.

If you have any questions or suggestions related to this blog post, don’t hesitate to contact me via my Twitter handle (@wmatthyssen) or leave a comment, and I’ll be more than happy to assist.

Wim is an Azure Technical Advisor and Trainer with over fifteen years of Microsoft technology experience. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), his strength is assisting companies in the transformation of their businesses to the Cloud by implementing the latest features, services, and solutions. Currently, his main focus is on the Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Platform, and especially on Microsoft Azure and the Azure hybrid services.   Wim is also a Microsoft MVP in the Azure category and a founding board member of the MC2MC user group. As a passionate community member, he regularly writes blogs and speaks about his daily experiences with Azure and other Microsoft technologies.

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